I am so excited about these two books! I just met this author this past weekend at a writers event in Portland. These two books are perfect to showcase for the Nation Day of Handwriting! Sometimes handwriting just becomes automatic and a flowing wave of inspiration that starts inside a writers mind and emotion. The pen becomes the wave that washes ashore a magnificent word to the world. The illustrations on the cover of Thomas Paine and the Dangerous Word, expresses how meaningful a word can be to change the world. This fabulous historic writer, Sarah Jane Marsh has brought the history to light for the elementary ages. I can't wait to share this book in the classrooms. And, I can't hardly stand it that her next book, Most Wanted The Revolutionary Partnership of John Hancock and Samuel Adams, is not even out on this day which is his birthday! National Handwriting Day is in honor of John Hancock and his flamboyant, fabulous signature that graced our Declaration of Independence. January 23rd is John Hancock's birthday. Please look for it in the upcoming two months, March 24, 2020 it is available. I feel so fortunate that I could preview it. It will be a fantastic read to use in the classroom. I seriously would love anything to bring back cursive to the everyday learners. But this is definitely a start as readers will become enchanted with the power of the pen that moves from inside a person to make changes in the world.